The armlet, sisters Kolina and Sofia Lagerfelt are given by their dying grandmother is more than a piece of jewellery. It has been handed down through the family for countess generations.
Kolina places the armlet on and is connected to Eboff, a voice in her mind.
Eboff is an advanced computer with news that she and Sofia are descendants of a starship crew that crashed on the planet a millennium before. Only when other ancestors of this crew are found that technology far superior to that now known on the planet can be accessed to save the world from nuclear annihilation.
Their journey travels through strange fog that they later realise causes jumps in time that is necessary in their search. Natalie, an orphan from their past finds them and they travel back to the present to rescue Alan, a wounded soldier on the front line. Both these two also have armlets but a final armlet one proves more elusive for it has been stolen and used by an enemy spy.
But is it too late? Their world is at war and the nuclear holocaust has already begun.
ISBN: 9781877438585